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Psychology is a profession, a science that deals with the study, analysis of behavior and mental processes of people. There are several perspectives each with its own theories and methodologies and sometimes you are usually agree or even totally contradictory.
As it has different ways of being seen, it explores different concepts such as perception, attention, functioning of the brain, personality.
Given all this, the method followed implies that the human beings observed are not different from other people there are different areas in psychology and one of them is clinical psychology.


Clinical psychology is responsible for the investigation of all factors such as:
1. The Evaluation
2. The Diagnosis
3. The Treatment
4. Prevention that affects mental health.
The core practices of this discipline are the diagnosis of psychological disorders and psychotherapy. Something that is very common is that it can be confused with psychiatry, since if these two have similar goals but the main difference is the training that these two have.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder, better known as OCD, is a metal disorder in which people have thoughts, ideas, obsessions, even compulsions.
The person with this disorder behaves in a certain way to try to get rid of obsessive thoughts but this only gives them short-term relief.
The cause of why this occurs is not very clear but there are several influencing factors, such as infections and abnormal functioning in certain areas of the brain.
Normally at the age at which people are usually diagnosed it is in a range of 19 to 20 years.
My conclusion is that people should be more informed about what psychology is so that they no longer have the thought that attending therapy is a bad thing or it means that the person is crazy.
People who suffer from some type of disorder attend therapy so they can feel better and better, it is very important in the treatment given to a patient.


I would give talks in schools about Clinical Psychology so that students get involved in this topic, since the truth is that they are interested in these careers either to study them or to get information they can have extracurricular activities and be able to go to university with something of knowledge.
